How to wear the pump





After some days with different holders, clips and equipment for mounting the pump on different places on the body I was not satisfied. When I went to the toilet it was problematic, changing trouses was difficult etc. But then I got an idea. I simple found out that the best way to wear the pump was inside my underpants. Using a small sock and a safty pin the important detail that made my pump therapy perfect.

Pumpe11.JPG (32512 bytes) Here is the sock mounted to my underpants with a safty pin.

Pumpe10.JPG (25758 bytes) The pump is staying inside the sock.

Pumpe12.JPG (26748 bytes) Here it is inside my trouses. Very practical, and the buttons can be pushed.

Pumpe8.JPG (23659 bytes) From outside you can't see the pump.




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